Are you a student willing to advance academically?
If yes then test how knowledgeable you are
from our wide range of subjects including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and many more

How best can you prepare for the next level entrance test?

For most schools, a test to evaluate how knowledgeable you are is crucial. At Eduzio, you can practice as much as you like to assess your readiness as this is the key to success.

Reálné otázky

Real questions

All tests at Eduzio correspond to the level of knowledge required at the entrance exams.

Reálné otázky

Free trial

In the basic version, you will find a free test which you can try to determine what you are able to do and where you require improving.

Reálné otázky

Recipient rating

You might want to see how you rate among other students. Do your entrance exams correctly and see how you compare with other students.

Eduzio tests

Focus on the specific area that seems to be a challenge to you and/or complete an entrance test.







Test na LF

Comprehensive test

Comprehensive test

How does Eduzio work?

There are 3 levels that will prepare you for the university entrance exam.
You can start with a free sample test and gradually continue to the main tests.

Test zdarma
Test zdarma

Free trial

  • An ideal choice if you just want to test how the whole Eduzio platform works and find out how knowledgeable you are.
  • In the basic version you will find one test, which contains a sample of questions . This will give you an idea of ​​what questions to expect from the entrance test.
Free trial
Přípravné přijímací testy
Přípravné přijímací testy

Basic admission

  • Have you tried the free test and would you like to go a little further? For a small fee, you can get a version that shows you the actual entrance tests.
  • There are many test variations to choose from, which reflect the exams in terms of content and length. In addition, for each correct answer you will see a short comment explaining the answer.
Basic admission tests
Přijímačky nanečisto + termín
Přijímačky nanečisto + termín

Recipient rating
+ date

  • What can you expect? Not only will the level of knowledge play a role, but also the level of preparedness in other candidates.
  • All registered students will test their skills. Only one attempt of the mock test will be required to get the best out of the student.
Mock test + deadline

V přípravě na medicínu Vám komplexně pomůže MUDRstart.


What do students say about Eduzio?


It's been a long time since I finished high school. Before that, I studied economics and worked as an accountant for some time.

But I always dreamed of studying medicine, so a year before the entrance exams I started studying intensively and I supplemented my studies by doing tests at Eduzio. I always got clear feedback so I knew how I was doing.

There are 3 options used including closed tests.

Jana, 42,

The last year of high school was for me one party after another, graduation, entrance exams - I didn't know where my head was. I didn't go to any preparatory courses and I literally decided at the last minute that I wanted to go to medicine, so I went through the models in a terrible slip and used closed tests for Eduzio.

In the end, the mock test and the result was sufficiently good, just like the real test.

Oldřiška Málková, 19 let,